I'm not quite sure how this is possible, but we have skated past October and November and are now on a fast-moving, one-way train bound for Christmas. We just got back from a five-day trip to Texas for the Thanksgiving holiday and have nearly recovered from traveling with an almost-two-year-old. Texas was lovely...80 degrees and breezy (a sharp change from the weather we had been having/and had the week we got back to Seattle... more on that later), with that fantastic bbq and Mexican food that makes hearing "We are making our descent into Houston Intercontinental Airport" such a joy. Henry got to spend lots of time with Grandma and Grandpa Seward and just loved it...he fed the ducks, rode the "horsey" downtown, and learned (kind of) how to catch a football.

Dave and I took a day and went into the city and stayed with his friends Nick and Greg. They own a salon in a fantastic neighborhood in Houston where women truly have their hair "done." It's an experience at this salon vs. any sort of chore to go in and get a cut and color. Cute men washing your hair, wine poured by the glass and a parking lot full of Land Rovers, BMWs, and Mercedes. Next time, I'm definitely making an appointment before we leave Seattle. Because, somehow Gene Jaurez at the Northgate Mall just doesn't seem the same.
We came back to Seattle just in time for the "Seattle Snowstorm 2006." It was 50 degrees colder when we stepped off the plane in Seattle than when we left Houston. Shocking is a relevant word for what it was like. The next day, we got a significant (for this city, anyway) amount of snow that then turned to ice. I don't want to be dramatic here, but we were officially snowed-in for a while. Henry's daycare was closed for 2 ½ days and Dave and I took turns with him while the other person trudged their way downtown to work. I'll say this - It's tough to take care of a child and try to work at home. In fact, I might even say this - Is it wrong to WANT to send your child to daycare sometimes? Hopefully it's not tooooo wrong. Henry went a little stir-crazy, but liked (not loved) the snow. Dave took him sledding and he got to wear his feet pajamas. Which, obviously, is extra cool and reason enough for another snow storm sometime soon.

He's such a funny kid these days. We can see that he's right on the cusp of being a two-year old. I'm not sure I want to call it the "terrible twos" though. Because, you know, his search for independence is really kind of remarkable to watch. He is VERY dramatic about so many things and gets upset over the type of give-and-take situations I take for granted everyday. Sometimes he can have milk, but not juice. Certain days we can listen to music, but not watch Elmo. Kind of like when I have to wait to save enough money before I can buy that favorite purse. Or when people don't act the way I'd like them to at work (or at home. or at the grocery store.). He's learning his way and it's simply fantastic (and, yes, sometimes very frustrating) to watch.
So, up next, Christmas. Before he was born, I wasn't sure that I wanted to pass the Santa myth to him. I wanted to take a more honest (but still festive) approach. Now I just can't wait to dress that kid up and get him on the fat man's lap. Should be a good holiday season!