We zipped right through the holidays...making the trek with everyone over to Gramma and Granmpa Grave's house in the middle of what has been the biggest storm in as many years as I've lived here in Seattle. Henry had a great time with his cousins Andy and Emily - playing in the snow, wrestling, shooting at each other with Nerf guns. To that end, one of my favorite moments of the two family days there was when Greg was waking up on the couch and Henry sitting right below him - holding his new Nerf gun (pointed towards Greg), looking down the site saying, "Good Morning Greg." Dirty Harry would've been proud.
Stella did a pretty good job with the traveling. We think she's getting some teeth, so there was some whining, but all-in-all a very good experience with her. Lots of people to hold and love her. She's growing so quickly...getting strong, eating lots of solid food, and loving her brother more and more as the days go by.
Now we're back to normal - whatever that means. We sure like our gifts though...and the wrapping paper they came in.

Stella did a pretty good job with the traveling. We think she's getting some teeth, so there was some whining, but all-in-all a very good experience with her. Lots of people to hold and love her. She's growing so quickly...getting strong, eating lots of solid food, and loving her brother more and more as the days go by.
Now we're back to normal - whatever that means. We sure like our gifts though...and the wrapping paper they came in.