This weekend will be all about shopping (the kids have no clothes).
Literally, I’ve heard about this but have yet to experience it (times two). They really have no clothes. Stella's pants are too short. Henry's shirts are too tight. There are no socks. No lightweight pajamas. No leggings.
All that to say, look out Macy’s and Old Navy. We’re coming for you.
This weekend will also bring swimming. And bbqing. And music and gymnastic classes.
And there will be bike-riding practice. Henry got a new bike last weekend and we’re going to take him out for another spin round’ the park.

He’s decidedly not a fan of trying to balance a bike on his own at this point. But we’re taking a page from the old school parenting book that says “AH! Don’t baby em! Just throw em off the side off the side of the pool and they’ll learn to swim.”
Well, maybe we won’t reference the ENTIRE page of that book, but he’s definitely getting back on the proverbial horse this weekend.
It will help him hone his complaining skills to a beautiful, fine point. Which one could argue is a greater life skill than riding a bike.
We’ll see.