Thursday, March 31, 2011

Just Pick One, Man.

Focus is sometimes not one of my key strengths.  I'm often more of a follow-the-shiny-object sorta girl. 

And I've been thinking that's never been more true than with the nicknames that I have for these babies.  They are numerous.  They often have no meaning.  And I simply can't stop using them.  Or making more up.

Let's just say, these kids will never have one of those child nicknames that lasts into adulthood (maybe that's a good thing), because I can't seem to focus on just one. 

For instance, here's the cornucopia that I use for this fella.

Brother Keaton (I have no idea why)
Banana Keaton (seriously - what's wrong with me)
Sugar plum fairy
Captain America

And for this one.

Love bird
Love burden
Love bunny
Chee Chee

Goodness.  I should be fired. 

I think I'll start saving money now for the therapy they'll need once that identity crisis hits em'. 

Little birdies.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Temperature Rising.

Nothing is more compelling, more likely to pull at the ole' heart strings than a sick fella. 

So we're at home now.  Taking care of temperatures and sore throats and the like. 

Look out Willy Wonka.  We plan to watch you like crazy today.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Starts and Finishes.

Friday morning is all about wrapping it up. 

It's the end of the week. 

Last day of work.

Last day of school.

Last chance to play with friends for a couple days.

Friday night brings with it one heavy exhale. 

And watching movies on the floor.

And finally getting time to read books on nightstands.

And then Saturday comes. 

With its possibilities. 

And apples.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

This one.

Is six.

Stinky little six. 

Love this fella.

Wet Hair

I was cranky with little miss muffett today. 

Put the dress on.  Take this dress off me, mamma.  No, no, no Jennette!  Don't do it like that, mamma.  No get dressed.  No brush my teeth.  No get ready to go.  No, no, no Jennette!  Stop washing yo hair - no like wet hair, mamma.  I want daddy to pick me up.  I want mo fish crackas.  I want marshmallows.  Mo juice NOW.  No, no, no Jennette!


I need to go wash my hair.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday, Wednesday.

We're all a bit tired today.

What with three days left in this crazy week.

Weekend, where are you?

Friday, March 11, 2011

Sunday, March 06, 2011

Short on words.

Yesterday, I left my family for a few short hours and went on a bit of field trip to Bainbridge Island with my photography class.

You see, for Christmas, DRS gifted me a series of photography classes, held every Saturday through March. 

And the chance it affords me is simply sublime.  Cuz, really, when else would I have the time or inclination to take 20 pictures of a log?  Or just-about-to-pop cherry blossoms?  You guessed it. Never.  Never is the answer to those questions.

So it sure turned out to be a lovely slice of time for me, this field trip.  Not a lot of talking, just watching what was around us.

A good, quiet morning indeed.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

When Batman Saves the Babies

I'm slightly stressed by the lack of infants in my life. 

Where are they?  I only see big kids around me.

At basketball camp...

Walking around.  In jeans with no diaper butt.  What? 

So I keep batman masks around the house. 

And a camera at the ready for when they give me that glimpse.  Just a glimpse - of baby.

It helps the stress levels, you see.