So. Be warned. There are pictures of mountains below.
Many of them.
I couldn't help it. They were so striking that I was...well...struck. I literally could not stop taking pictures.
And the kids. Those stinkers. They turned into goats on this trip. Hiking, hiking and more hiking. They rocked it. They really did.
And we didn't get eaten by a bear.
Score one for the Sewards.
But, let's start at the beginning. First, we got in the car, stopped by Starbucks and headed to Couer d' Alene, Idaho to visit a little amusement park. We considered it a bit of a carrot for the kids before the hiking began.
The picture below is my new favorite photo of all time. It's like they realized what they've done. And there's nothing they can do about it.
Next up. Big Sky Country.
Henry was kind enough to read the signs to Stella if she couldn't make them out. Especially the signs about rattlesnakes. Exhibit A. Enter widespread panic.
We found this fabulous mission in a little town on the way to Glacier.
Thank gawd our cabin had a bbq.
What we saw when we walked into our cabin in St. Mary.
That there is a bear. Way away from us. And looking a little like a yeti.
And, although it doesn't look like it in this picture, that is a RAGING river and a very rickety suspension bridge (on which only one person is supposed to walk at a time). And, in case you can't see clearly, that's my little tiny baby girl on the rickety suspension bridge over the raging river. We had to cross that SOB twice. I almost cried.
Oh. And then my little tiny baby boy had to cross the rickety suspension bridge over the raging river. And then I actually may have cried.
And then there was a moose.
These two.
And that guy.
More bridges over raging rivers. I made Stella sit this one out.
But we still made it to the base of the waterfall.
These. Signs. Are. Everywhere.
We were tracking a deer.
See. I wasn't joking about all the mountain pictures.
My goodness, what an amazing place.
Great vacation. Crazy family. Good stuff.