Monday, October 29, 2007

Err Ready for Halloween?

Well, it's been all prep, prep, prep for Halloween these last weeks, and we're closing in on it as we speak. Last night was a Halloween party at Matt and Michele's, and the boys (Theo, Axel and Henry - or should I say SpiderMan, Captain Jack Sparrow and Shrek) were in their full glory. It's fun to see them grow up - these boys that weren't even here just three short years ago.
Henry and I also spent last Friday morning at the zoo, where the annual "Pumpkin Prowl" was in full effect. There, literally, were close to two thousand jack-o-lanterns spread throughout the zoo. Henry just had a ball. And, frankly, I did too. Nothing like ghost and goblins (and two thousand pumpkins) to get you in the Halloween spirit. It's all a fantastic lead-up to the day...and this year we're pretty sure he gets what's going to happen because he just loves all the hoop-lah. Two is definitely a fun age. This morning, for example, he asked me "Err ready for Halloween Momma?" Which is such a great reminder of how two is this intersection between baby and kid. He still uses "Err" when he means "you" or "your" (ex. - Do err like cereal Momma? or Err brushing err hair?), but he completely understands and appreciates that we're preparing for something special - like a big kid. It's just so much fun.
My favorite "err" quote of the week, by the way: Scene: Henry and I at the snack bar in the zoo. Dialouge: "Momma - Daddy is carving a jack-o-latern tonight and Henry's going to be scared and err going to be scared. Okay? Okay, Momma?" Happy Halloween, everyone. I hope err ready.

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