And four days until Vicki comes to visit.
And two and half weeks until I go to Mexico.
All that to say...July will not suck.
But instead of looking forward, I'll look back. To some good fun that came without leaving the city limits.
One could say, good for the wallet. And good for the heart.
We were invited to Rosa's daugther's gradution party. We love Rosa like she was one of our own. And her daughter gradutated from the UW on a full ride scholarship with a 4.0 grade point average. She's now taking her law school entrance exams. She is Rosa and Jose's only child.
It was nice to be this crowd of Argentinians, Bolivians and Americans to celebrate Michelle and her amazing accomplishments. You could feel Jose there, but there wasn't a blanket of sadness like there usually is. It was happy.
And Stella was just happy to be with her Rosa.

We also were lucky enough to enjoy a much-overdue dinner gathering with Matt and Michele and this wiley bunch of coyotes.

OH. And Michele brought over this beauty as a belated bday prezie. And to that I say...All's well that ends well.
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