With my new part-time profession comes a new Seward schedule (for at least three of the Sewards).
It looks like this:
Work, Work, Work: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Play, Play, Play: Tuesday, Thursday
This was a recent Thursday.

A sunny day at the beach in Seattle.
(You can't say that very often, btw.)
We played on the beach. And then the kids started a massive dam effort. And I don't mean "massive damn effort," I mean "massive DAM effort." If you see what I'm saying.

First it was just Henry and Stella (with Henry applying most of the architecture theory to the dam and Stella doing all the labor).

Stella thought they'd never get it to work.
She was obviously worried. And thoughtful about the endevour.

But then came reinforcements.

And everything worked out fine. The dam was built. Lunch was eaten. And resting on blankets was done.

It was a massive damn deal.