So. Henry brought home his first school library book last week.
We weren't there to guide him. Or influence his choice of literature (like we are at Barnes and Noble - when he wants to choose some random Scooby Doo number - or any book that makes noise and has no educational value).
And this is what he comes home with.
In case you can't read that title, let me get you a better shot of it.
Uh, what?
Okay, I get that he's David Seward's son. So this makes a little sense. But...what?
I feel the need to take an aspirin.
And then he was eating a fudgesicle at the dinner table the other night and he looked like this.
With my untrained eye, I'd take him for a young-looking 11 year-old here.
I'll say it again. Uh, what?
Where's my five year-old?
Sigh. Oddly enough, my saving grace at this juncture turns out to be that stench-ridden dog of blue origin.
Because, for all the times I get slightly panicked that he's growing up and away from me, he still always comes home to blue dog.
Seriously. Thank goodness for that damn dog.
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