Saturday, May 07, 2011

If It Ain't Broke.

So, interestingly enough (maybe not?), we took another trip to the Oregon coast a couple of weeks ago. 

It's not that we don't have imagination. 

It's just that we love that place. 

That hotel. 

That beach.

So.  We got ready.

And headed out of the house (with blue dog and a gaggle of small, blank books for writing in tow).

Oh, and sunglasses.

We were going to the beach afterall.

And made our way to Cape Dissapointment.

No.  Seriously. 

Cape Dissapointment.

A detour in Washington on our way down the coast.

As it turns out, it was not a...wait for it...dissapointment.

Long story short. 

Lewis and Clark hung out there for a while. 

Broad vistas. 



Dave would have a heart attack if he saw that synopsis, btw.


We kept heading on down the coast to our favorite haunt.

For good sunsets.

Walks on the beach.

Many vistas.

And running.  Lots and lots of running.

And two of my favorite shots of all time.

My family are the dots in the above pic, btw. 

Little.  Stinky. Dots.

And those are their footsteps.


You know.

If it ain't broke...

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