Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Working It.

So I'm currently reading this horrible (fictional) book about these kids who are raised for the sole purpose of being organ donars. 


Merry Christmas, everyone.

It's called Never Let Me Go.  And this group of teachers tries to prove these lab-created chidlren have souls by teaching them art and music. The more fabulous their art, the more humanely they're the theory anyway.  Gawd this book is bringing me down, man.

ANYWAY, for better or worse, it's made me take notice of all the things these two little stinks of mine have been creating lately. Always paints, always tape, always crayons, always little books to draw in.

I suppose if they were characters in the book, they'd have a better shot at not losing a eye with all this artsy-fartsy craziness.  But since they're here - I think I'll just get em some new water colors and call it a day.

I may need to stop reading this book soon.  That's the real point of this story. 

The end.

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