Because the kids and I took a trip out to Remlinger Farms this week. And that journey is always the harbinger of fall. It means school is just around the corner. And waking up early again. And homework. And regularly scheduled baths. And packing lunches. And extra cirricular activites.
You get the picture.
It's become one of my favorite trips.
Not because I'm tired of summer. Quite the opposite. It's like our last grasp at old-fashioned, concentrated summer fun. And it feels like my special time with these turkeys.
Plus, it's like a 1/4 slice of Disneyland pie. Without the plane ride.
And, spending this time with them...well, it only makes me want to squeeze the stinks (hard) and say, "Please - one more week. Just one more."
So, I bring my iPhone and I document. The comings and goings of a farm day.

Henry's running up against some challenges at Remlinger Farms. But we're going to go every year anyway. Until these kids are 32. At least.
Because there just aren't better end-of-summer days.
So bring it on, Fall.
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