Sunday, June 06, 2010

Two in a Boat.

Hints of summer (the very few we've had here) bring endless possibilities around this place.

A chance for gardening.

A chance to see what a prism can do (if you're David Seward's son)

A chance to be artists with JUST the right amount of light.

A chance to mix up a good ole' batch a soup.

A chance to take people's lunch orders with your new-found writing skills (he comes from a long line of lunch order takers).

A chance to build a fort (with no help from mom or dad).

A chance to sit in your car seats inside and watch TV.

Wait. That has nothing to do with summer. But it sure looks comfy.

A chance to hang outside, talk about movies, kick the soccer ball and dream of Disneyland...

OH! And a chance to think about what you'll do with your chore chart money.

Which includes helping your sister make a PBJ...

Sweet, sweet summer. Come and stay for a while why don't ya.

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