Thursday, April 01, 2010


So. I’ve had some sort of stomach flu for the last few days and, as it turns out, that’s not nearly as fun as it sounds.

But yesterday afternoon, the stars aligned – the sun came out – my stomach felt better. So Stella and I spent some time outside. Her throwing rocks (and occasionally her beat-up old Elmo). Me soaking in the spring sun and exploring a new found appreciation for f-stops on my camera.

It’s like Alexander Pope was hanging out with us, talking his “hope springs eternal” mumbo jumbo.

It was a good afternoon is all I’m saying.

And, speaking of authors. Henry is becoming one. His books mostly have to do with Spiderman and Batman kicking the Joker’s ass.

But we’ll worry about that later. Right now, I’m just loving the 15 or 20 “novels” lying around the house by Henry James…Seward.

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